I hope you are having a great weekend
I have made more forming to my website to be closer to researches
I would like people like me (that are in the same page and sharing the same ideas)
first point
if there is sharing then we are going to share , selfishness and hatred is outside
I spend a good time this groups are not helpful and have so many issues (they are happy with it and I am okay)
build relation out of these groups
this is work online so feel free to share
I will make Facebook page specially for people who are interested and may be more comfortable in face book
I added my work so far and it is very good about international order
my work book in addition to human rights page is will build sense of human tocuhes that we praise and we are missing
your hand will complete that
the idea of sharing , if we are sharing then we are sharing
with respect to everyone , i hope you are not one of them