Dear Sir/ Madam
I hope you are doing well
I have finished today this part as I am moving forward with my intention to finish what I have started
I have chosen this country because it is island and i thought it easy to study
I finished the basics today (this going to take good time ) after we finish these cycle
we will see the product of this knowledge
finish the work then start talk
I would say I have mad good efforts related the Africa and middle based of what I have gained in almost 39 years
I t was helpful ,I have been a prat of good change .
recently,things changes
I have no connections to any group from the middle east ,sometimes I see some connection.
when things goo smooth and we reached a good point to be able to meet
we are ready to meet ,we will get to meet in library
Some has taking advantage of some situations (that’s I am confident of ) and wasn’t helpful and I want to get red of them
I am going to build my group and I am going choose my team and we will build what we are going to do next .
(you are going to be for producing results)
you are going to give Results