
Dear Sir and Madam

North Korea troops on Poland borders NATO. BORDERS
The news we read recently is completely unbelievable
Escalation in the Middle East
News that come about assassinations in Lebanon and Gaza  are big news , huge events
In same time you read that the Coup regime in Egypt consider a volition in east Africa against Ethiopia , country that was in path to agreement with  Jubuti or Somali land in r Sudan for port on Red Sea and was in plans to build Navy ( actually other countries built its navy )
On other side HOUTHY made Red Sea unsafe place for trade shipping navigation
We look to news in Iran
There are no reflection in the Middle East or Iraq to the events in Bahrain , Kawiat  and others
2nd point
North Korean troops on the border with NATO
( my concerns the gain that Pres Trump administration made would be disappeared )
Prospective of peace force that would be on ground for peace agreement will be more acceptable and logical news
We hope this step will be in the frame of prepare for peace agreement
From experience
The Master of the White House
Every admin assure that the year of election doesn’t see any big events and that was important to be considered  in Israel
From start
Media coverage for conflict in Ukrainian and Middle East was not as good as previous conflicts
From diplomatic visits , types and level of officials  visits doesn’t show preparation of summit or high rank meeting
Doesn’t show prepare for the worst to contain or prevent conflict of expand
As I fallow news
Reuters , CNN, ABC, FOX , department of state and White House newsroom
Points  to add about The UN
I would like to express my complete and full support for full membership for Germany , Japan , South Africa in UN counsel
Agreement that if there will be North Korea troops will be part of peace agreement to help solve Ukrainian crisis
The United Nation has the resources and people on ground and near conflict ground to bring accurate and build level of credibility that th free press will fallow and will ad more to it
I completely support free press and good journalism and this letter will help in that
My name is.      a US citizen I live in VA, USA
This is my humble blog
If possible Sir I will put copy of this letter on my blog to encourage people like me to stand for peace and appreciate the blessing they have and use it the best way

Letter to support freedom and democracy in Africa

It is great honor to write to your excellency
In last few years Coups stormed African countries , sending all the gain for freedom and right to choose backward , these rights are the hardest to get and every nation has its own story How they get these rights
There are many opportunities to energize the international community for more powerful journalism and tranceperancy  and The United Nation is the best place to do that
Senegal election was good turning point
The United nation a place where leaders from all the world geather is the best place to put efforts for more strong journalism and more transparency in decession making
The coups that stormed the African countries could be lesson why Democracy lost in these countries
The United nation has several peace missions in some of these countries and the organization have the best experts that can provide us with evaluation and lessons
I hope your excellency find these points interesting  and in the future there would be chance for efforts and resources for Research like this by UN Experts
My name is  US citizen , I live in
This is my humble blog

Ceazar Law

Here is what I found recently

Caesar Act

From the Caesar Act, the regulations now provide for sanctions against foreign persons who knowingly engage in (among other things) a significant transaction with the Government of Syria, engage with a foreign person subject to sanctions with respect to Syria, or knowingly sell goods that support the expansion of the Government of Syria.

EO 13608

From EO 13608, the regulations now provide for sanctions against foreign persons who violate, attempt to violate, conspire to violate, or cause a violation of any license, order, regulation, or prohibition contained in or issued pursuant to the rules referenced.

These changes do not represent a change in the sanctions program or a shift in policy. Rather, they are administrative in nature—an attempt to centralize many of the various sanctions provisions relating to Syria.



is Caesar law still active? , need renewal?

‘Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act’was signed by Pres Trump


timing and Syria new face in 2024

private for now