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December 15, 2019

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WP topic by Peter Henne

Saudi Arabia held secret talks with Iran to ease regional tensions. Are they holding back the U.S.?

News broke this week that Saudi Arabia, looking to ease tensions with Iran, held secret talks with the Islamic republic. This comes as the Trump administration continues to increase its hostilities toward Iran.

Many observers initially assumed that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates hoped for a confrontation with Iran, and that their aggressiveness could drag the United States into a new regional conflict.

But Saudi Arabia and the UAE did not bring the United States and Iran to war — suggesting that Arab countries are more ambivalent about war with Iran than many policy experts assume, and that they may actually be a source of restraint.

How the current situation looked set for provocation

When the Trump administration withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, many experts worried this was a prelude to war. Saudi actions compounded this fear. Saudi leaders were frustrated with the Obama administration’s outreach and pleased by Trump’s aggressive stance.

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My comment 

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