From FBI Site
FBI Director Christopher Wray’s Remarks at Press Conference Regarding Civil Unrest in Wake of George Floyd’s Death
FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered the following remarks during a virtual press conference at the Department of Justice with Attorney General William P. Barr regarding coordination efforts related to the civil unrest occurring in the wake of the May 25, 2020 death of George Floyd. Also speaking at the press conference were U.S. Marshals Director Donald W. Washington, Bureau of Prisons Director Michael Carvajal, Drug Enforcement Administration Acting Administrator Timothy Shea, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Acting Director Regina Lombardo. (Remarks as delivered)
This is an incredibly challenging time for our country and for all the citizens we serve. I want to begin by expressing my deepest sympathies for George Floyd and his family. Like most of you, I was appalled and profoundly troubled by the video images of the incident that ended with Mr. Floyd’s tragic death.
Within hours of his death on May 25, the FBI had opened a criminal investigation to determine whether the actions by the former Minneapolis Police Department officers involved violated federal law. We’re moving quickly in that investigation, and we’re going to follow the facts wherever they may lead, in our pursuit of justice.
Mr. Floyd’s family, like a lot of families who have lost loved ones in recent weeks, are suffering right now, and trying to find a way forward. In fact, our entire country is trying to find a way forward. That’s because this isn’t just about George Floyd. This is about all of those, over the years, who have been unjustifiably killed or had their rights violated by people entrusted with their protection.
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